Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Electric chair

   This is a request. It is an electric chair. One crime done, another guy dead. Bad people died in this very chair. Please, though, if you buy it, do not play bad guy and tie each other up. Do not put this in your kid's bedroom. Do not put this in your living room, and sit on it every day, because you will either die, or sit and be uncomfortable, so please, just use one as a decoration, and either don't buy it if you have kids, or keep your kids away from it. Do NOT plug it in.
     It is cool, because people died in this very chair. And now say, your arms and legs would be strapped in, and so would your body, waist, and head. Do NOT play the game kill the kid. That is neither a fun, or safe game. You will be scarred for life. Scarred for life, just by a butt platform (also known as a chair). 
   This is NOT a toy. No known price. No link available.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome information, I am interested in buying the chair. Would like to know about pricing. Thanks.
